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Full Version: Models: Silent Hill Shattered Memories
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Hi, I know that asking for the ripping of a full game is quite... gruesome I suppose.

But me and a friend of mine were planning on a L4D and L4D2 custom content that would replace characters and monsters with enemies from the Silent Hill series.

While most of the models from the original quantology has been ripped, the most important part exists in Shattered Memories...

The common enemies. Instead of using bumbling Infected(zombies) we have the plan to use the Raw Shocks from Shattered Memories, due to their very simhilair personality to the common infected in L4D.

As for the four heroes, we are in strong need of Harry Mason and Cheryl Heather Mason from Shattered Memories, but Dr.Kaufmann and Cybil Bennett would be needed too. Unsure

Is there anyone that can help? Sad