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He doesn't have his right eye damaged or covered, it's terrible!

jk. I also like the top one more, but the placing of the mouth feels odd.

[Image: 9Pe7T.png]
Unless anyone wants to give up a nugget of advice as to how to improve this; this'll be my final entry.
His right shoulder (viewer's left) does not look quite right, its giving a bit of lightsource confliction with the rest of the piece.
I've not had any experience shading metal, so I'm not sure what advice I can give to correct that, but it just doesn't look right with this attempt to give his shoulder depth and keep the same lightsource.
[Image: nctob.png]

Whoop, corrected.

Whoop, nevermind, even better one:
[Image: lwwZO.png]
The left part of his chin/cheeks (his right) looks lumpy and awkward
Can you circle it? I must have been staring at it too long; I don't really see what you mean.
[Image: kDk9g.png]
aye think we be finished, cap'n
the only thing i'd suggest is that you add a shine or something to his space helmet so it looks like he's actually in the helmet
(09-28-2010, 06:43 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]the only thing i'd suggest is that you add a shine or something to his space helmet so it looks like he's actually in the helmet

actually tried that a while ago and then scrapped the idea. Might try again if I get around to it before the deadline
I think I'm pretty much done.
[Image: tugsround2fin.png]
Couldn't really think of any background, so...

But yeah, As I said, I'm probably done now.
[Image: samuraifinal1.png]

post something tomguycott!
i don't wanna win by default again (if i win, that is...)

(...i will)
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