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[Image: saxm.png]

Okay. Something doesn't feel right here.

I'm suppose to be making a game for school and I have 2 months, at most, to do it.

So, for my first sprite in nearly 5 years, how does it look? I personally think the roundness should flatten out on the right of the image. I also think maybe I shouldn't use 32x32 tiles and stick with 16x16. It's just that the detail isn't so great at that level...

[Image: sax1h.png]

Could always play the game using 2x magnification, though that would pretty much defeat the purpose of changing tile size.

Anyway, thoughts? C/C?
recolor kirby if it's important I won't tell anyone
the shading curve isn't smooth enough in the first one.

About sprite size, go for something medium-sized (maybe a bit smaller than the first sprite?). It'll give enough room to be simple yet with enough details.
The shading isn't like a spher at all, it isnt smooth enough.