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Full Version: New to spriting
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Also, a note:
There's a big difference between edits, and spriting in a certain style.

"Oh hai gaiz, look at pinky SMB3 Marioz!!!!" *posts SMW Mario in poorly recolored pink.*
"Before I tell all of you of a Tiny Toon Spriite project I'm thinking of hers a WIP of me." *Posts recolored Babs.*
"Swoop da whoop kirby!!1!! yes,a very Cute kind of sheet.because i was boared." *posts poor MS paint beginner edit*

Style Matching:
"Okay gentlemen, here's how I think Sonic would look in SMB3"
"Kirby in SMB3, hope you like it"
"Ever wonder how Samus would look in SMW?"

-just a note. Wink
(04-05-2010, 10:00 PM)sweet georgia brown Wrote: [ -> ]see now i disagree there

as simple as 8bit looks, it's a very complex style that takes much more knowledge than something you can create at any other size without a color limit
mainly because it can't be created at any given size(without tiling anyways), and you're limited to 4 colors per 16x16 tile

true that
feel free to post again and show us you actually cared about what people said.
Thanks for all that info, trying to find inspiration to start something is a pain. Sorry it took so long to reply, I've been pretty busy with school lately.
I don't think I will start with 8 bit, the color limit would just kill me right now. I'm open to suggestions on styles to imitate to get a feel for spriting though.
Again, custom is the easiest way to start, as you have no limitations. But if you really must emulate a style, pick a simple one from the SNES or something.
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