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Here there is all sprite that I ripped

[Image: digimonworldicon.png]
Digimon World (PSX)
Digimon 20% 1/5
[Image: Flat_Digimon_1.png]
Background 60%
[Image: filecitydayicon1.png] [Image: filecityeveningicon1.png] [Image: filecitynighticon1.png] [Image: filecityenddayicon1.png] [Image: filecity50eveningicon1.png] [Image: filecity50nighticon1.png] [Image: jijihousebegin1.png] [Image: jhftpicon.png] [Image: ikicon.png] [Image: birdratransportdayicon.png] [Image: birdratransporteveningi.png] [Image: birdratransportnightico.png] [Image: thicon.png] [Image: shopthumb1.png] [Image: sisicon.png] [Image: restaurantthumb1.png] [Image: arenathumb1.png] [Image: dcicon.png] [Image: clinicthumb1.png] [Image: gymdthumb1.png] [Image: gymethumb1.png] [Image: gymnthumb1.png] [Image: nativeforesticonday1.png] [Image: nativeforesteveningicon.png] [Image: nativeforestnighticon1.png] [Image: bridgedayi1.png] [Image: bridgeeveningi1.png] [Image: bridgenighti1.png] [Image: kbdicon.png] [Image: kbeicon.png] [Image: kbnicon.png] [Image: lakedayicon1.png] [Image: lakeeveningicon1.png] [Image: lakenighticon1.png] [Image: dseaday1.png] [Image: dseaevening1.png] [Image: dseanight1.png] [Image: forestcapday1.png] [Image: forestcapevening1.png] [Image: forestcapnight1.png] [Image: capcoeladt1.png] [Image: capcoelade1.png] [Image: capcoeladn1.png] [Image: tropicdayicon1.png] [Image: tropicaljungleeveningic.png] [Image: tropicaljunglenighticon.png] [Image: afdicon.png] [Image: afeicon.png] [Image: afnicon.png] [Image: dinoentrancedayicon1.png] [Image: dinoentranceeveningicon.png] [Image: dinoentrancenighticon1.png]
[Image: dinoregioniceagedayicon.png] [Image: dinoregioniceageevening.png] [Image: dinoregioniceagenightic.png] [Image: drilliconday1.png] [Image: drilliconevening1.png] [Image: drilliconnight1.png] [Image: raicon.png] [Image: lacicon.png] [Image: ptmtpdicon.png] [Image: ptmtpeicon.png] [Image: ptmtpnicon.png] [Image: mtppdicon.png] [Image: mtppeicon.png] [Image: mtppnicon.png] [Image: fompdicon.png] [Image: fompeicon.png] [Image: fompnicon.png] [Image: tmdicon.png] [Image: tmeicon.png] [Image: tmnicon.png] [Image: tmsticon.png] [Image: factorialtowncontrolroo.png] [Image: odicon.png] [Image: oeicon.png] [Image: onicon.png] [Image: ocicon.png] [Image: glmdinningroomicon.png] [Image: mbicon.png] [Image: ulicon.png] [Image: msicon.png] [Image: bdayicon1.png] [Image: beveningicon1.png] [Image: bnighticon1.png] [Image: ogrefortressicon1.png] [Image: gsdicon.png] [Image: gseicon.png] [Image: gsnicon.png] [Image: volumadayicon1.png] [Image: volumaeveningicon1.png] [Image: volumanighticon1.png] [Image: volumevilleicon.png] [Image: ttdicon.png] [Image: tteicon.png] [Image: ttnicon.png] [Image: chicon.png] [Image: rhicon.png] [Image: tmiconm.png] [Image: fdicon.png] [Image: feicon.png] [Image: fnicon.png] [Image: flfhicon.png] [Image: fpcicon.png] [Image: secretbeachicon1.png] [Image: sewericon.png] [Image: bldicon.png] [Image: bleicon.png] [Image: blnicon.png] [Image: blktricon.png] [Image: blkricon.png]
[Image: title1thumb1.png] [Image: titlescreenpalicon.png] [Image: icon1g1.png] [Image: title2thumb1.png] [Image: icon2zc1.png] [Image: menuthumb.png] [Image: itemsc.png] [Image: emotionsicon.png] [Image: msdeicon.png] [Image: systemicon.png] [Image: medalsicon.png] [Image: card032icon.png] [Image: card3365icon.png] [Image: btlthumb.png] [Image: fishicon.png] [Image: eggsicon.png] [Image: arenacups.png] [Image: multiplayerstageicon.png] [Image: multiplayerdigimonselec.png] [Image: multiplayervsscreenicon.png]
[Image: wmapicon21.png] [Image: fonticon1.png] [Image: fontpalicon1.png]

more will be posted soon
These seem like nice rips,m I'm just confused about some of the numbers on the cards. How do they work in game? Are they all meant to be the full number, ie. 10/10? Because the ones with <x or >x /x seem a little wierd.
it's the atk and the def
Aah thanks for clearing that up for me.

Really nice rips then, are there any other colour cards for you to rip?
There is white blue green red black and brown(it's not the attack and def but attack and life point) I rip the other but it's not for now
Really nice rips, keep it up.
What system are these for?
They're for the PS1 if I'm not mistaken?
Playstation 1 indeed.
The cards themselves are part of a card game you can play against NPCs and the more games you win, the more your bond with your Digimons will grow, same for your game reputation and some Digimon stats.
I finally finished the rip of all card in digimon world 3.

[Image: Option_card.png]
[Image: Other_card.png]
I begun the rip of texture and sprite from digimon world.
For the begining it's all card in the game. I ripped these because there very beatiful for many.
[Image: digimonworldicon.png]

[Image: card032icon.png][Image: card3365icon.png]
Pretty nice graphics on them Big Grin Well done.
All saved so far.
Now it's texture from digimon world

[Image: botamonicon.png][Image: koromonicon.png]
Interesting. How did you managed to extract the encrypted cards data?
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