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I'm working on some overworld pokemon right now. I have 2 done.
I'm new to this place, and I know this sounds noobish, but can I copy and paste images? if so, how? the right-click won't work. all I can figure out how to do is add them as an attachment.
so uh where are the sprites
Use to upload them then paste the link
1) go to or

2) upload the file

3) paste either the code that has the [img] tags, or the direct url.

If there is more explaining needed. Just holler.
I have four made now, and I'm working on the fifth. after looking at them again, I think they are terrible. I think the best one is togepi, and that's not saying much.. but what do you all think?
I'm working on the fifth, jirachii, and have a great start, but the rest is giving me trouble.

forgot the link...
hold on, I don't know why it uploaded as jpg. I saved it as bmp.
Don't use bitmap format. It's large and inefficient. Besides, no image host will accept them. Use png or gif.
I like them, just remember to save em png as yoder said.

Just one question, what is the third one?
I think the third one is Shaymin.
yeah, the first is voltorb, the second one is togepi, the third one is shaymin, the fourth one is bonsley, and the fifth one is the beginning of jirachi.
I think I need something easier. but I don't know if it gets much easier than this... I'm gonna go look for some tutorials..
NO offense, but they hardely look like what they are supposed to be.
Yeah, I know. None taken. I'll take them up again when I get better.
The back on shaymin kinda threw me off. Try and fix it by make it not round, and by adding a pink flower on the side.
and try to make them in the style of the pokemon game. it helps :D