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currently a whip

suggest power-ups/characters/whatever

will be doing tiles to

and will be making waluigi and toad later

gotta say im not exactly happy with the mini sprites but thats the best i can do with sprites that small

[Image: o6ejo6.jpg]
crits please
try making the small mario wider, so he looks like a sort of squished version of the big one. Otherwise, good except, doesnt mario have hair?
Well that's kinda what I'm aiming for is squished a bit. Look at the hats covering the eyes.

And yeah, they have hair but I only put it on the back poses.
(01-08-2010, 09:09 AM)Colton. Wrote: [ -> ]crits please

back on the sprite, they do look good, but i'd recomend to use them(if ever used) in a 2X zoom. just for the sake of readbility
May do that when I'm done spriting them.

crockets are bs (easy achievement)

shitty animation i didnt take too much time on
[Image: jqjkfs.jpg]
they walk too slow. That's my only problem
thats only in the animation that i timed wrong and didnt bother to fix
its just an animation of the sprites put together

not any like, game animation. if you wanna see one of those here you go:
[Image: 2uh7ipk.jpg]
[Image: 2d7u6uh.jpg]
i think there should be another frame in there, with an animation like 1,2,3,2... Also luigi and mario, when they are walking, they look like they are stuffing their hands in their pants over and over.
give them a side burn