Site Discussion
- Why Is Super Mario Oddysey Being Rejected On The Models Resource (1 Reply)
- Are homebrew developers allowed to submit assets of their games? (3 Replies)
- Forum Styling General Thread (101 Replies)
- Things that should be removed and not admitted (6 Replies)
- Wii U/3DS/Mobile problem (1 Reply)
- Question For RTB, Dazz, MJ, .etc (11 Replies)
- I liked the dark theme better (1 Reply)
- Where to Submit Rip request? (1 Reply)
- Putting links to my ripped files? (4 Replies)
- Original File Name, or Localized Name? (3 Replies)
- Where to Post WIP Projects? (1 Reply)
- Submitting Massive Amounts of Textures? (2 Replies)
- Idea:No genres from Custom/Edited games (3 Replies)
- ROM Hack Ripping? (8 Replies)
- Question. (3 Replies)
- Multi-Console Games in Resource sites? (2 Replies)
- why are there no Xbox one and ps4 game model library's (6 Replies)
- Where do put? (2 Replies)
- Is anyone still mad at me for the megaman pc? (17 Replies)
- Is VG-resource wiki currently dead? (9 Replies)