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Game Vs. Game! This week: SA1 Vs. SA2
I never much liked comparing the 3D Mario titles to the 2D ones. They may both have Mario in the name, but they are so vastly different from each other that it's like comparing apples to oranges, to use a common cliche. Since every single aspect of the games are so different from each other aside from the characters included within, any comparitive opinions are basically going to fall back entirely on one's preference in gameplay style as well as personal nostalgia.

For instance, my personal nostalgia dates back pretty far compared to a lot of people here, so it's not really too surprising that my preference tends to lean more in the side-scrolling platformer camp, making Super Mario World the clear winner for me. But is it really fair for me to claim that it's the "best" out of the two? I honestly couldn't tell you, because to decide that I would first have to see the games as being on a level playing field, which I find too difficult because they have nothing in common with each other. It's not a very fair match-up.

But I guess my vote is going to have to be for Super Mario World, but I don't really have a good reason beyond personal preference.
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Messages In This Thread
Game Vs. Game! This week: SA1 Vs. SA2 - by recme - 03-06-2015, 08:32 AM
RE: Game Vs. Game! This week: Super Mario World vs Super Mario 64 - by Jermungandr - 03-07-2015, 11:14 PM

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