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this is totally unnecessary, man. i'm all for approved additions to the palette to cover colors that don't currently exist on it, but the idea behind the palette was to make sprites for this project A) uniform and B) easy to make (it keeps people from floundering on what colors to use: the choices are right in front of you!)

instead of worrying about having the perfect colors, you need to settle.

here, take a look at my old sprite for crappy:
[Image: Xl3C5go.png]
he used to have purple-ish overalls. when i came back to this sprite recently to retool it, i saw that color as being too inaccurate to how i color crappy nowadays. so i changed it over to pure blue:
[Image: owLkUDZ.png]
and at first it was a pretty drastic change! it took a bit of getting used to once i did it, but now i can see it was for the better. the saturated look just fits a lot better with this game's style.

i think, if you're going to add anything, the darker skin tones are fine. you can make an argument for that; the palette is a bit biased toward whiter skin colors. but man, the rest is not going to add a whole lot, and we certainly don't need extra colors per character. that would just obliterate the need for the palette in the first place.

Messages In This Thread
THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by Gors - 06-02-2012, 11:24 AM
i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Tellis - 06-07-2012, 08:33 PM
RE: i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Baegal - 06-07-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by Crappy Blue Luigi - 04-17-2014, 11:09 PM

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