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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
Played a lot of stuff to determine which games are worth ripping.

Daughter of Essence (v.0.1.1a, PC)
RPG Maker MV game demo. This one has good-looking maps, well-written dialogue and very good character art (well, at least for the portraits, the cutscene cg doesn't look as appealing). It's quite short, but this is a game where I would definitely play the full version of. To sum up the story, you play a royal wildfang who is not okay with getting married by her father and therefore attempts to sail the oceans for freedom while slowly developing magcial powers.

Era Hunter (v.0.2.1, PC)
RPG Maker MV game demo. Very early alpha, even shorter than Daughter of Essence and but with good portrait art. The rest of the game isn't quite good, but rather pretty lazy and forgettable. Basically you get a quest, your clothes get stolen by demons and kids and you have to deal with avoiding public indecency. You also get screwed when you fail a minigame, but it's not relevant for the story and the "victim" doesn't really care about it.

Urban X Life (v.0.1.8e, PC)
RPG Maker VX Ace game (unfinished). The character portraits are wildly varying in terms of quality, but the rest of the game was quite entertaining. You play as a kid who wants to screw with literally everbody and in your quest to do so, you get powers granted by a Japanese tanooki which lets you "influence" people around you. Later you meet Nessa, who tries to get revenge on her stepmother for ruining her life. She is also a character who is quite believable in comparison to the kid, who is probably smarter than an adult while his mother has an IQ of a beanstalk.

Urban Demons (v.0.8-beta.2, PC)
RPG Maker VX Ace game (unfinished). It's a remake of Urban X Life and was built from scratch by a different author (Nergal). The character art is superior in comparison to the original and the animations are quite good. Although, you have to sit in front of the PC while playing it. Otherwise you won't see much because this game stays in its original resolution no matter what. Also it takes a lot of time to make anything happen in terms of events (I didn't look in the enclosed walkthrough, though).

Summertime Saga (v.14.01, PC)
Ren'Py game demo. Liked the new content, but parts of it are quite buggy. Nevertheless, it's still my favorite visual novel and I'm looking forward to the final version =)

Violated Heroine (v.170722_translated_V3, PC)
RPG Maker 2000 game. Briefly played it and I'm not a fan of it, as the characters randomly switch between certain alignments. For example, I fell off the train, got into town and screwed a kid without having the option of not doing so. A little later, a guy attacked me on the toilet and while my char liked it, she complained about it under tears when talking to the guards. Ah yes, the kid doesn't give a fuck, he talked to me like nothing happened. Also I have to buy clothes non-stop, as the monsters destroy them all the time when I try fighting them.

Four Elements Trainer (v.0.5.07b, PC)
Ren'Py game demo. Also a game I don't like. The portrait art is really good and looks like it could be from the original show. The rest of the game sucks a big dick, mainly due to the main character impersonating the avatar with his lousy dialogues which absolutely doesn't fit anywhere.

Girls and Dungeons (v.1.3.4, PC)
RPG Maker XP game. A dungeon crawler with completely original art (even the tilesets) and with visible monsters which are fought turn-based. Your main quest is to save the Lost Maidens, which will fight by your side after being saved. At the beginning, the game is fairly easy and not much of a challenge. This changes, when you defeat the first final boss and your merchant suddenly doesn't offer you certain items anymore. At least the parasite enemies drop healing herbs, which also up your attack stats. I also recommend always having one Omniseed and one MushroomBrew in your bag, as you can't get the last gallery pic (its entrance is on the map before the final boss area) without these two items. Anyway, the two most difficult puzzles were probably these:

- Water Dungeon: I had no idea what to do, so I had to look it up the internet and hey, walking straight to the little chamber several times helped me reaching the teleporter. Although, I got teleported straight away when I tried to go through the red gate without cleaning myself in the pond right before it.
- Temple: Read the sign, went 3x counter-clockwise the thing right next to the sign and read it again. It told me (if I want to proceed), that I had to go to the light. I had no idea what that meant and had to look it up on some youtubers channel, where he clicked on one of the lamps to make a mechanism clearing the way for him. Well, at least I was able to go further.

The hardest bosses are obviously the guild members, except the last one. When he (like other bosses too) is out of MP, he won't do anything and just waits until you kill him. The end itself was pretty anti-climatic, after the credits roll I pushed some buttons and probably bugged out the entire game. I guess v.1.4.0 has this fixed.

Phew, these were a lot of games. All of them have more or less ero content and a few of them are garbage (imo). I find it interesting to look out for quality games in a sector, where 95% of the games are trash and/or have crappy fetishes. You can see it as fishing for gems at a flooded dumpsite.
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
Thanked by: miyabi95_

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