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★ URGENT! ★ Sonic Runners Needs Ripping
Hi! I'm a Sonic fan and a regular Sonic Runners's a pity that server's gonna close tomorrow so I saw this thread and I wanted to ask you some questions...

1. I can't read all the entire thread, so I'm sorry if I'm being a bit idiot to ask this but...then, can you make a playable Sonic Runners App or you only releasing all the files inside the SEGA servers? If you're not doing a playable app, is it possible to make it?

2. I know that we have already Sonic Dash, but there's a possibility you can make the same thing with Sonic Dash Club?

If it's possible to make a playable app with all these files...I would like some help to know where to learn about iOS/Android games developing...I'm a junior app developer, but I know nothing about developing games, I'd like some references where to start and get some practice.
Thanked by: Yarcaz

Messages In This Thread
RE: ★ URGENT! ★ Sonic Runners Needs Ripping - by Sephys00 - 07-26-2016, 05:06 PM

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