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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
Capcom is having a pretty awesome sale on Nintendo platform right now, so I thought: "Hey, I'll get on board with this Monster Hunter thing all the VGR peeps like since it's less than fifteen bucks. While I'm at it I might as well get RE: Mercs 3D just to see if I dig that."

Then I thought: "Wait, Resident Evil: Mercs is just RE4 and RE5 content without a C-Stick."

At the last moment I bought Life of Pixel instead, which was discounted to the same price as RE:M3D. RE would have netted me more My Nintendo coins (which, to be honest, was part of my motivation in the first place), but I decided to just go for something newish instead.

Not regretting this decision at all. Life of Pixel is a pretty darn good "micro-platformer" (that is, the levels aren't as expansive as you'd find in Mario or Donkey Kong or Sonic). Sometimes the physics are a little buggery, but actually a lot less annoying than the "Oh whoops, this platform was SLIGHTLY SLANTED so you fell down" bullshit I just put up with in Runbow. From a gameplay perspective, it's almost what a platforming Pac-Man game should be... eat all the dots to open the end gate, but also you can eat the fruit for extra shit! I'm also really loving how each "world" is designed on different game software so they're all different and give you that "new" feeling even though they play the same, and since the levels are so short no particular theme overstays its welcome and some levels are a real treat to go back and play, which makes finding all the things a more enjoyable task.

I recommend, particularly while it's only five bucks.

[Image: 2667728-3929519007-Title.png]

Oh, also, if you do play this game... don't be afraid of the blue pixel guy when you get to the Atari portion. I know he looks like a grumpy-faced Anti-Pixel shadowclone bastard, but he's actually just the tutorial guy letting you know that there's a secret to find in the level. I didn't realize this until I got to some of the more well-define art styles.

Edit: Oh yeah last week I played Runbow and shit that game made me frustrated. I'm going to review it sometime whenever my life stops being a roller coaster. Because of the anger. But also because it was mostly good with some noticeable bad, but eh, I guess I recommend it for multiplayer and if you're a nerd who likes to see all the indie characters in one place like INDIE GAME AVENGERS (IF ALL THE AVENGERS WERE CAPTAIN AMERICA).
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: What Are you playing? Remake edition - by Ton - 08-01-2014, 08:36 AM
RE: What Are you playing? tis the season - by Koh - 02-22-2016, 02:57 PM
RE: What Are you playing? Spring Cleaning edition - by Kriven - 06-03-2016, 04:05 AM

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