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SUPER SMASH BROS. FEUD - BIG update in latest post.
LMAO = laughing my ass off.

Okay, as I started to say, I am working on getting fighter data such as stats, metadata and flags into classes that'll fit in a list of "slots" like the real thing.

Coding is going great and so is animation. I have one fighter almost all set up, including animator / some animations, colliders, AudiiSources (2: one for SFX and one for voice, so that two sounds don't cancel each other out since Sources can only play one sound and soon-to-be script. In matches only, a special class, Player, will be assigned Fighter instances to allow control. i just realized one of my yet to be included fighters will need to have their model completely re-rigged. so I'll work on that asap. I'll fix a few bone placements while I'm at it. Many models still need to be made and implemented, but I have most of my roster's models ready, rigged and textured. Right now I'm working on one character and stage at a time. (first fighter and test stage, in this case)

I also have two songs to work with right now: my main menu theme, composed by myself, and my fighter's victory theme. I also have to find out why the heck XInputDotNet's not working anymore. As I said, for now I'll code keyboard controls just to work out kinks in the game, and will later re-implement XIDNP once those bugs are worked out.

The only other thing I'd love to do, but it's a complete after thought, is to learn how to create, and use, my own proprietary file formats.

So yeah. I'll get back to work, and the minute I have more to share, count on me. Wink


I am a great big idiot. Fixed my XInput issue. XP Turns out I was passing incorrect values to the GamePad object's constructor. It was returning False all the time because Pad 1 was skipped over and that's why it was never initialized. I had to change my If statement to check for 0, 1, 2, 3 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4. I forgot that the internal plugin's "One" is actually zero. haha.
I'm an opera-crossover singer undergoing classical voice training and I'm also making Super Smash Bros. Feud.

Discord: kold_virus
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RE: SUPER SMASH BROS. FEUD fangame. - by iyenal - 03-02-2018, 10:50 AM

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