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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
yo ilu but like
dont put colors on your text. this post is literally unreadable on the black theme.
(02-21-2016, 08:56 PM)JazzGW Wrote: Street Fighter V
I did not expect this game to be out so soon! There was a teaser trailer literally shown at the last E3, and next thing we know, it's on shelves already like six months later xP! Anyway, I like how they made the game...Simple. It's as simple as Street Fighter II and III. IV has a gigantic roster with way too many customizations and for someone to 100% complete the game, they would have to spend hours after hours of playing every mode as every character on every difficulty. Street Fighter V makes competitive gaming less confusing by having a smaller roster and few modes with gameplay that is innovative and worthwhile. I don't have much to say about the graphics other than it's almost the same style as IV. Nothing too new or exciting. It's not my favorite game in the world, but it's not a bad game at all.

I've also been playing SFV. Despite my pals making fun of me for playing a broken game that has no single player content. ):
I fucking LOVE using Laura though; she's got a real snowballing kinda playstyle. Rashid really isn't bad either, and feels more like a KOF character

(02-21-2016, 08:56 PM)JazzGW Wrote: Splatoon
BIIIIG LEARNING CURVE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO DON'T PLAY FIRST-PERSON SHOOTERS! Ugh, the controls took me at least 60% of the time I was playing to get a decent grasp on. They weren't terribly confusing, but it's been a while since I had to think so hard about them. Eventually, I got the idea and was able to complete a mission...I had to get a fish thing or whatever. Still, I thought it was fun and wish they'd port it to the 3DS already. If they can port Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros., then they can port Splatoon.

It's actually got a bit of a learning curve even if you DON'T play FPS games. You can actually turn off the gyroscope controls but they're actually half of why Splatoon is so fun to play (plus, it makes it easier if you don't play FPS games). I just got back into Splatoon, actually cos my friend invited me to watch her stream and I'm like "damn, i could kick ur butt" and now im gonna kick her butt tonight

but, if you really wanna get better at the game and you have a bit of expendable funds (or a beefy computer, up to you) I'd actually suggest playing one of the mainline Ratchet and Clank games, believe it or not. It doesn't play EXACTLY the same but it'll give you the twitch reflexes you need/basic game sense (the stress on stealth play and conservation of ammo, for instance) needed to keep up in Splatoon. Once again it's a lot slower that Splatoon, but it'll help reinforce the basics.
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: miyabi95_

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