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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
Just juggling through various games at the moment.

First I've been playing Need for Speed: Undercover (on the Wii, playing on the Wii U) and it's not too bad actually considering that it is considered one of the weaker NFS games. Plays well, technically stable, enjoying it but it is getting harder now it is 60% done of the career mode. Just the graphics were a bit disappointing at the start. Well until I realised that the game was open world... Weirdly the live action cutscenes are really good video quality and actually impressed by the picture.

Then last night my Wii Remote batteries died, was going to play Assassin's Creed on the PS3 but an error message came up since it was the free version that came with Revelations so it needed the disc. Had to find a game to play quick and played Crash Bandicoot 3. It's been 16 years since I last played the game and only as a rental (couldn't afford it), feels old just by saying that. Well got it when it was the 20 year PlayStation sale along with other games. Really amazed how well the game has aged and while it has been years since I've played a Crash game (apart from last year where I played Wrath of Cortex on the Xbox), still remembered the controls, just the timing have to get used to again. It's a great game and while there isn't as much platforming compared to 2, the variety of the levels [by level design] and different gameplay styles makes me play it and enjoy it at the same time. Still prefer 2 though but that is due to memories.

On the side, have been playing Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros since when it came out and still not even the half way mark yet. Okay, no good at puzzle games admittedly but at least giving it a go. Only problem is that it does seem to be hit or miss whether you actually complete a level. Sometimes the colours that are the strongest (e.g. water when your enemy is a Fire type) hardly show up and takes about 15 moves before you have a special attack that changes them into the strongest that by then is either half way or nearly end of the level with your team as weak as a noodle. Even if you use the combo strategy, the combos might be colours that are the weakest towards the enemy and do very little damage while in the next move, the enemy just wipes you out. It seems to be grinding (one part I was stuck on for months until I grinded just enough to beat it) and luck based.
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RE: What Are you playing? Remake edition - by Ton - 08-01-2014, 08:36 AM
RE: What Are you playing? Summer drought edition - by Yawackhary - 11-06-2015, 06:55 AM
RE: What Are you playing? tis the season - by Koh - 02-22-2016, 02:57 PM

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