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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
(11-04-2015, 10:31 PM)Tellis Wrote: yo, i'm curious about what you thought was wrong with the controls, Gors! MH has a really weird difficulty curve that put me off initially but I grew to like it, though I think a large part of it is being able to play with friends.

on the subject of the controls, I know a sticking point for a lot of people is how button presses don't exactly get an immediate response like you'd get out of most action games, but I've come to realize the reason for that is so that you can't just go swinging wildly at the monster without watching its patterns first and planning your attacks and timing carefully. It kind of aids the feeling that you're a puny little person trying to take on a huge monster. It's kind of like how the tank controls in the first Resident Evil games were really sluggish but it aided the feeling of helplessness and weakness of the player character. i understand it not being everyone's cup of tea though.

of course if it's something else I'd love to hear it

I think it's something 3DS only (as it's a small handheld with fewer buttons), but I had a hard time doing things that shouldn't be all that difficult. I don't remember the key bindings anymore as I've played it in start of this year, but it's a chore to memorize the contextual buttons.

For example, I draw my weapon with X. Then attack with X, A and R. But A also serves to do context sensitive actions, for which I must press Y first to put my weapon away. L fixes camera but holding it pops up the item tray which I don't want to access - and even if I wanted to, I must press Y to sheath my weapon in order to use it with Y again.

This makes it difficult for me to even focus on myself, and jumping off a cliff to mount on enemies is a test of patience on its own (unsheath weapon with Y, press A near cliff to climb, then draw weapon with X, run off the cliff then press B and X in midair).


I understand it's supposed to be hard and all, but I feel this is either too cumbersome or too high-level play for me to enjoy. Not my cup of tea.

And even though I was able to hurt the boss considerably, seeing it limp away to its nest made me feel bad.

tl;dr I don't mind that the animations take long to complete, but to have complex button patterns to do said action is off-putting and irritating.
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Thanked by: Kriven

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