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[DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0
(08-22-2015, 10:49 PM)supersmashball Wrote: Just a terrible pen doodle. I've got a lot of work to do.
Should I stop posting here because of my bad drawings?
You tell me.

Well if you're gonna keep poopin on your drawings and being so hard on yourself, yes, stop posting
If you want to get better, and be proud of yourself when you cross those hurdles, then please, keep posting

Fun fact: We all used to draw like a 5 year old. When we were 5 years old.
We all start somewhere. We all think we're terrible at first - and years from now, you're gonna look back on your art, and you're probably gonna say it's terrible.
That doesn't mean some of us stopped trying. We hit art-walls too.
Some of us are up to 15 years older than you are, and are still terrible at art. But we try everyday - trying out new techniques and challenging ourselves to get better.
Ironically you'll probably think some of our artwork is great, but deep down? We're eternally terrible and draw/illustrate every day to improve.

When you're starting out it's OK to suck. Never be afraid to suck. Sucking is not bad.
Try posting some more art, but don't put yourself down over it. Ask for criticism if you want to improve.
(and none of us are gonna flat-out tell you "This drawing sucks" - we'll actually tell you what needs work)

Seriously - if you want us to tell you what needs improvement, just ask for it instead of publicly stating "look at this shit garbage drawing. i'm terrible and will never amount to anything" because putting yourself down like that is only demotivating yourself from improving.
don't be afraid to succeed, and keep on challenging yourself.
work hard, and draw harder

im gon give u homework:

draw on paper that doesn't have lines, and use a mechanical pencil (but a #2 is fine too)
just have fun
posting your homework here for us to see is optional. ;P

we were all terrible once upon a time. ask any one of us.
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0 - by Kosheh - 08-22-2015, 11:25 PM

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