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[DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0
so my girlfriend's trying to get me into reading. the first series she plops into my lap is harry potter...which i can't argue. personally, i find harry to be the hugest mary sue ever. halfway through the book i'm "arguing" with her "how actually stupid this is" because half the book spends itself explaining to your HARRY POTTER WIZARD WORLD IS MAGICAL. EVERYTHING MOVES BY ITSELF. IT'S MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOWS YOUR IMAGINATION DOING only to set those up as somewhat of a plot device later on (not to mention there is at least 3 deus ex machinae in the book and they're all dumb)

when i'm explaining this she out of the blue asks me "so are you imagining harry as a young daniel radcliffe"


let me draw the harry potters for you"

and i present to you my beautiful illustrations of potter and pals

[Image: UnMTJZg.png]
harold bartholomew potter. magical boy. has a zap on his head for literary progression.
can magic good

[Image: opgvVMM.png]
draco malfoy. an insufferable little twat that prides himself on making potter feel miserable about himself
(i originally was drawing ron but his hair made him look like a douchebag so. this fit better)

[Image: thKKPbE.png]
ron weasley. i imagine a young seth rogen for some reason whose parents love him too much

[Image: uSfcYNU.png]
she is very smart and does smart magic (and starches her wizard robe because shes a girl)

[Image: TM00Jz2.png]
hagrid. good, friendly, giant man. very nice to harry and pals. wants to train dragon

[Image: 0iNdGeV.png]
dumbledore. amazing dean of wizards. wow
(he is doing magic where he is making wool socks)
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0 - by Kosheh - 07-20-2015, 10:07 AM

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