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[DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0
This animation isn't finished yet, but here's what I have so far:

[Image: 0Q21DKw.gif]

This, to me, is what a Hammer Sis might look like.

[Image: hammer_sis_by_smithygcn-d8vmba1.jpg]

Here are some sketches of Sean's family members:

First, the youngest. She is Bridget. She is mute, but she tends to dress peoples' hair when they aren't paying attention.

[Image: bridget_redesigned_slightly_by_smithygcn-d8vmbos.jpg]

Next are three sketches of Sean's younger brother Angus. He pretends he's a knight and likes to call himself "The Intrepid One". He also packs dirt into his boots to keep his pet worms in.

[Image: the_wetun_of_de_intwepid_one_by_smithygcn-d8vmc8j.jpg]
[Image: the_real_pot_head_by_smithygcn-d8vmdy1.jpg]
(Yes, I know a plank of wood wouldn't stick in the ground like that, but Angus managed it)
[Image: relaxing_in_his_pot_by_smithygcn-d8vme9l.jpg]
I didn't notice until I scanned it, but it seems I gave him a Markiplier expression on his face.

Up next is Sean's father whom I haven't named yet. He's proud of Sean, but he's a bit strict.

[Image: sean_s_father_by_smithygcn-d8vmw1m.jpg]

Finally, we have Sean's mother. Also unnamed so far, but Sean's mom has a passion for baking and does so when she can find the time. She loves her family very much and is willing to do anything to keep the peace in the home.

[Image: sean_s_mother_by_smithygcn-d8vn3y8.jpg]
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...

Messages In This Thread
RE: [DRAWINGS] Doodles and Finished Pieces 2.0 - by SmithyGCN - 06-01-2015, 04:46 PM

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