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BLOODSTAINED - Koji Igarashi's Newest Project Unveiled
Koh Wrote:It doesn't matter in regards to games like chess, checkers, or strategy games.  With those games, you literally have all day to sit there and plan each move.  If you leave the game for 3 hours, and come back, the game's state has not changed.
see Speed Chess

Stiff controls become a problem with real time games.  Games that require quick reflexes, always have continuous action, etc.  Input lag (not to be confused with an attack delay, where the character's winding up an attack, or recovering from just performing one) , awkward physics, tank controls, and etc. can be very detrimental to not only the overall experience, but to the current play of the game to the point the player dies or takes damage when they really shouldn't have. 
This is true for terribly coded games, but you can perfectly defend yourself in Castlevania, given that you know its rules (and it really sounds like you don't

With chess, checkers, and the like, you have no fear of this.  There are no enemies actively trying to kill you, or some kind of ticking time bomb going off.  However, in games like Castlevania where you need quick reflexes to survive at all, and have to do a bunch of precise platforming, stiff controls are simply inexcusable, and will likely get you killed.  The Medusa Heads and the Death fight on Castlevania 1 are only hard because of the terrible control.  It's what we call Fake Difficulty.
Again, see Speed Chess. As for Castlevania, you do have plenty of reflexes (sometimes it's a little bit lower, I agree) to defend yourself - you can predict all enemy patterns and jump-attack accordingly. You are punished for not being able to dodge or counter attack. This happens in any game, and that doesn't make it unfair. You cannot jump and attack 30º downwards while airdodging: it's not in the game rules.

Now, this all isn't to say you need a million controls, but rather, controls that keep the player in control of their actions, reflect common sense, and allow for self defense in any situation.  This means, denying the ability to attack in midair, for example, not only violates common sense, but also denies self defense.
Have you tried jumping and pressing B in midair in Castlevania? That is midair attack. Up+B subweapons also help attacking airborne foes, so this just sounds like moot complaints,

If you want an example of a game that has perfect control, but is still fairly difficult, look no further than the Contra games.  You can shoot exactly like you'd expect to be able to, have full control of your character, and it's still very challenging.
Contra is challenging because the game is tailored to your maneuver. Much like Castlevania is tailored to Simon's movements.

Kriven Wrote:At least continuing to use the Chess allegory, it would... I mean, in Chess, both sides have access to the same units, strategies, and abilities. This isn't so in Castlevania, where one side is limited in movement and offensive capabilities, while the other has dozens of units with different attack strategies, many of which can not only attack as a group, but to return to respawn an indefinite number of times.

You are reading to this too literally. We aren't saying Castlevania IS chess. Of course it is not. What we are trying to say is that each piece has their own rules (patterns) of moving and thus you can predict and punish them accordingly.

But it really sounds like you don't really care about learning the game's rules/way of thinking and prefers overwriting them with your mindset instead. Which isn't wrong per se, but it's really narrow-minded for someone who makes games.

Since you're really fixed on your thoughts I won't force Castlevania to you though. I just want to back this project asap and enjoy both game modes.

btw I am not a god Castlevania player by all means, but I understand the game principles and I enjoy it.

I'm also not saying that Classicvania is infinitely better than Metroidvania period, I am just justifying that Classic is not a piece of shit like others think it is.
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RE: BLOODSTAINED - Koji Igarashi's Newest Project Unveiled - by Gors - 05-18-2015, 01:15 PM

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