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The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy
(06-18-2014, 02:56 PM)Kosheh Wrote: Though I'm kind of curious why you'd bring this up, Dazz - we're talking about Psyguy here, not al-Baghdadi or even a Kardashian
And why are you thanking the post, Petie? I thought Wa-Chow podcasts were available via your...
uh, podcast-linking-portal. I assumed you were also on good terms with Psy :Q

Actually I'm more curious if you guys had a fallout after TSR was hosted on Fireball20xl or something - IDK I feel like his guy's been exploiting people ever since I stumbled upon Fireball20xl and realized he's probably not paying any of those teenagers to host their sprite comics

Missed that before.

I can't truly speak for Dazz but if I had to guess, I'd imagine he's bringing it up because, like it or not, Psyguy is a part of the site's history. There has long been bad blood, for lack of a better term, between them but none of us ever knew, assuming everything that's being posted is true (and I have no reason to doubt that it is), just how far he took things. Given that this site started off on his server, people who know our history may seek him out for their own start and be screwed as a result so I think, if I had to guess Dazz's motivation, it's just to spread the word and try to prevent this from happening to others.

As for why I'm liking these posts, it's more or less for the same reason as well as some personal experience with his selfishness (though not nearly on the level of most of the rest of these stories). If you read the post Kail made (found here), you'll pretty much see my stance because we shared the same experience with him (given that we started Muscle Tower together). Personally, I was never a fan of his, he was just someone I had heard of through others. However, his show was popular, we needed visitors, he needed a place to go that wouldn't cost him a fortune, and we felt like giving him a shot, figuring he had grown up since the days. We were wrong.

As for a falling out, I can't really say. I wasn't around for that part of the site's history. The one assumption I can make though is that the "server crash" that led to the loss of tSR's early data was no accident. He has a documented history of supposed crashes but, incredibly, only the data of those he doesn't care for gets lost in the process.

So, with all of that combined, I think there's good reason to put this all out in the open, and that's just from our perspective. If you read (and believe) the rest of those posts, you'll see that he's done some absolutely horrible things, repeatedly, and the word needs to be spread to keep that pattern from continuing.
Thanked by: Dazz, E-Man

Messages In This Thread
The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Dazz - 06-18-2014, 10:08 AM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Koh - 06-18-2014, 11:28 AM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Petie - 06-18-2014, 03:40 PM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Koh - 06-19-2014, 09:45 PM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Eno - 06-23-2014, 12:52 PM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Eno - 06-29-2014, 08:03 PM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Eno - 06-30-2014, 10:16 AM
RE: The Case Of The Internet, vs. Psyguy - by Eno - 07-03-2014, 03:06 AM

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