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Rogues: Strife
Just a forewarning, this chapter is much short than the following ones.

Chapter 1: A Steady Pace

He was a blur of blue with silver trails, darting through the maze of trees. Not too far behind, a few angry looking fellows chased after the moving object. "GAAAH! Why do they hafta be so persistent?!" the blur, know seen to be a human male about nineteen years of age, cried out in anguish.

Daavis Winchester, Reidena’s most wanted.

"Don't let him get away!" one man hollered, waving a pitchfork over his head.

"Jeez, why is there always that one guy with a pitchfork in an angry mob?!" Daavis grumbled in thought. Just then an arrow whizzed by over his shoulder. "GAH! I thought the bounty was for bringing me back alive?!" he shouted back to the mob chasing him.

"The high leaders of the Follower's of Bellona are planning on sentencing you to death anyway, so it's a dead-or-alive reward!" a second mob member shouted back.

Daavis winced and then suddenly skidded to a stop. “Just what’s the big deal about all this anyway?! So I didn’t want to get hitched, so what?”

“You insulted the Goddess Bellona! Anyone who commits such a despicable act against the Goddess deserves to be strung up by their ankles and left to rot by the Followers of Bellona!” a few angry members of the mob shouted.

“Honestly, she didn’t look offended at all when I said no,” Daavis remarked, shrugging his shoulder with a sigh.

The mob of people all pointed their swords, or whatever they were armed with, at Daavis in a threatening manner. “You shut your mouth! Defying the Followers of Bellona is considered traitorous to our society! It doesn’t what nonsense you spout, you must die.”

Daavis groaned and placed his hands on the sheaths of his two blades strapped to his back. "Ugh, all right, fine. If you think you can kill me..." he drew his swords, a single-edged sword and a double-edged sword, into an offensive stance. "THEN COME AND GET SOME!" He then leapt at his pursuers, swords trailing by his sides. But then something odd happened; he leapt again?

The blade-wield seemingly kicked off of thin air, catapulting high above the group of attackers. When he came down, he landed outside the circle that had been formed around him.

"HAAAA!!!" Daavis was obviously far more skilled than this whole mob combined, but that didn't seem to stop them from swinging. "Gotta finish this quick before any more show up," he thought quickly, before parrying a sword swing thrown at him.

Springing into the air with a rising slash, Daavis brought one of the men up into the air with him and began slashing like crazy as they rose. The sight was such a spectacle, that a few members of the mob stopped and watched in shock and awe. Finishing his aerial assault, the now dead man and Daavis both returned to the ground. "Anyone else?!"

The rest of the men shook their heads and quickly retreated, tails tucked between their legs like whipped dogs.

"Tch, dammit, that was a pain..." Daavis grumbled, sheathing his swords and heaving a heavy sigh. “If this is my life now…I’m seriously gonna be pissed.”


A cloaked shadowy figure watched from one of the many treetops as a group of panicking men ran for their lives like they had just seen a giant Demon stomping around. “Hmm, ‘wonder what’s the rush for,” the person mumbled as he/she observed the retreating group more closely.

“That guy’s not human! H-How the hell can somebody jump off the air like that?!”

“And he killed Marvin so easily! W-We need get some reinforcements or something!”

“Right, good idea, he’s only one person; we’ll just outnumber him! Yeah!”

The rest of the frantic conversation was too inaudible to hear at the distance the cloaked person was located, but he/she had heard more than enough. “Well, well, that made my search sooo much easier~” the person chuckled lightly before turning on a heel and jumping off in the opposite direction that the men were running.


Peace and quiet, finally, there was peace and quiet. He’d been on the move for days now, not even having the time to sit down and rest his eyes. But everything had finally slowed down enough with that last mob running off; Daavis just needed a few minutes to sleep before the inevitable mob can back with more people to try and kill him. “Whoever signed me up for the tournament, they’re going to pay. Ruined my life and reputation, now I’ve got nowhere to go for shelter…”

OH, COME ON!!” “What...? Who’s that?”

I’m the part of you that’s not a pansy!” “HEY!”

All the time you’re wasting crying about how much your life sucks could be being spent hunting down the jerk that signed you up for the Tournament of the Goddess and get some payback! Now get up and break a leg, or an arm, or whichever you’d prefer!

“As insulting as you are, you’ve got a point!” Daavis leapt to his feet with an energetic hop and looked off into the horizon that would have been visible had he not been in a deep forest. “Sleep is for quitters! Daavis Winchester doesn’t give up so easily!” Amazing, how a conversation with himself could get him so motivated…

“But……Where the heck do I start looking?” The growing feeling of determination suddenly died. “Crap…That’s sort of a jam in the plans.”

“Wow, you really are a genius…” a voice commented with heavy sarcasm. A cloaked figure emerged, stepping out from the shadows before Daavis. “Long time no see, Daavis.”

The swordsman eyed the individual and knew immediately who it was. “You...What the hell are you, a magnet? I thought I finally lost you a week ago…” he grumbled lowly.

The hood of the person's cloak was pulled back to reveal a female face, albeit an angry female face. "You can't get rid of me that easily, especially now that everyone's looking for you!"

Fioel Letherwane, honest thief.

"Besides, I want to help you out," Fioel added to her previous remark.

"Only because you hate being in debt..."

The thief let out a huff and crossed her arms. "EXCUSE ME?! Do you want help or not?! Like it or not, I'm all you've got!" She shouted, but suddenly switched gears. "Ya know...I could always just turn you in myself; you're gonna collapse from exhaustion eventually~"

"Grr...I wouldn't put it past her either...Fine, fine..." Daavis grumbled in defeat. "So, where would you suggest we go?"

Fioel smirked knowingly then pointed even further into the deep foliage. "That way, there's a place I know that we can hide your sorry arse. Come on." Without waiting for an answer from her fugitive companion, the thief headed off.

The swordsman rolled his shoulders and cleared his throat; this was going to be one hell of a 'journey'...

End Chapter
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Messages In This Thread
Rogues: Strife - by Angelglory - 05-21-2008, 10:57 PM
RE: Rogues: Strife - by Angelglory - 05-21-2008, 11:01 PM
RE: Rogues: Strife - by Angelglory - 05-24-2008, 10:27 PM

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