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Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues)
I'm finally doing this, but I have confidence we are mature enough to discuss it. See I'm starting this thread because I think it was wise to redirect any inevitable talk of the subject here and away from the other thread. This has always been a touchy subject but I feel it is important for myself and others to say what needs to be said. This is a topic that has caused many problems in the past, but ignoring it won't solve anything. If we can all be mature adults about this I feel we can finally grow as a community. I'm putting this in the General Discussion because I feel it could lead to other topics related but not about video games.

With all that said. I invite everyone to speak freely but do so without insulting others or sparking conflict. Let us be calm and understand we are talking about video games and entertainment in general. Nothing that is said here should affect how we treat each other.

So let me start by asking a question. Are the more undesirable depictions of women in entertainment wrong? Well it certainly can be offensive, I'm not arguing that it isn't offensive.

But is being offended by something the same as being oppressed by something?

I say no. Everything is offensive to someone, everyone wants something changed or removed from a show or video game. But I don't think we have a right to dictate an artist's creations just because it makes us feel uncomfortable. I am a strong supporter of a creator's right to create what he or she wants. I am a strong supporter of a viewer's right to be entertained by that creator's creation. And those who are offended by the results should not be able impede on those rights.

Why do I defend a game makers right to make what they want so much? What do I care? I play games with cartoony apes! But I have a strong moral code when it comes to the freedom of expression. I too am offended by a lot of things. But I understand that I cannot put that above another's rights.

But you might be thinking, what if those depictions are actually harmful? I do not believe that fanservice in a video game is anyway harmful. No more than gun violence in video games leads to "training" children to mass murder.

I have faith in humanity that we know the difference between fantasy and reality, for both violence, and the depiction of women. If you do not believe it is wrong to make a game where you can shoot and murder people, than you should not believe it's wrong to make a game where big breasted warrior women wear bikinis.

Afterall we can all agree murder is wrong. What kind of sicko would find killing people fun!? But it isn't real. It's a fantasy. We have the right to enjoy shooting someone in the back of the head if it's just a fantasy. That is the prime motive of video games, to fulfill fantasies. These are the very fantasies of artists and creators who wish to share it with the world... and profit from it.

What determines if something is wrong is are actions towards people. The harassment of women at cons or online is truly wrong! That is what needs to stop. Actions that truly hurt women or violate their rights.

So... is what I'm saying that unreasonable?

Thanked by: Paladin, BullockDS

Messages In This Thread
Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues) - by Koopaul - 02-27-2014, 10:01 AM

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