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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
I find it suspect that the images are for the 3DS which is the system which she has already appeared on, which would make it easier to hoax the images.

Going back to yesterday's topic, I have a question for everybody;

How many of you found yourself introduced to various game franchises BECAUSE of Smash Bros? I'm mostly referring to the first game, but I will accept which ever one you played first.

The N64 Smash Bros introduced me to a LOT. When I played the game for the first time the only franchises I really knew well were Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong.

- The Legend of Zelda franchise I knew a tiny bit about having played a bit of Link's Awakening several years prior, and I knew of Ocarina of Time, but Smash Bros is really the one responsible for getting me interested in it. And now it's my second-favorite franchise of all time.

- Pokemon I only really knew about from the anime, which I wasn't really a watcher of, however my sister was so I knew at least a little bit. I'd later be interested enough to check out Pokemon Red.

- My knowledge of Star Fox was limited to "it's a parody of Star Wars but with animals". Honestly Smash Bros didn't do much to change my perception on this series.

- I had barely even heard of Metroid prior to playing Smash Bros for the first time. And in fact for quite a while I thought the "Samus" character we fought with was actually a robot. It wasn't until I happened to pause the screen when she was getting electrocuted that I was like "Whoa, there's a person in there! ... and are those boobs?" This would eventually get me to buy Metroid Prime immediately at release.

- The game also introduced me to F-Zero and Earthbound, but I can't say I remember being very interested in those characters, so they kind of slipped by me.

- Later Melee would also introduce me to Fire Emblem, but I think the same can be said about pretty much any of us occidentals, considering a Fire Emblem game hadn't been released in the west as of that time.

Anyways I'm interested in hearing you guys' stories.
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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Jermungandr - 01-22-2014, 11:16 AM

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