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Pokemon Style Browser MMORPG MonsterMMORPG V2 Started
but it doesn't require lots of money, your games content is proof of that, you have a community willing to work on art for you.
I'm not telling you to sit them in a chatroom and tell them they must redo all of their work again and they need to do it by a deadline.
you could easily and politely say,
"so we're cleaning up some graphical aspects of the game to try and get things looking more polished.
all the monsters are looking great but over time we hope to get them looking like members of a single and vast world."
etc. etc.
it would take time and not everything would get done but with a defined style (your best off picking from the works you already have so large chunks of the work will be uneffected and it'll lessen the amount of work this implies)

[Image: 37-Albinus.png][Image: 24-Grasilisk.png][Image: 31-Decesile.png]
all look like their from the same neighbourhood, minimal lines, bold colours, and detailed lighting.

[Image: 54-Tiktik.png][Image: 43-Hawkite.png][Image: 48-Yokelby.png]
these 3 also look like their from the same world (though a different world from the other 3), thick lines, medium detail and lighting focused on the big features. (design to a degree too if you look at the proportions but I think that can be worked around)

anyway long story short, this doesn't have to be a sudden change, it doesn't have to be the work of a team in crunch time, it can simply be a gesture, a suggestion, something that may happen over time when your artists feel like it.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Pokemon Style Browser MMORPG MonsterMMORPG V2 Started - by Bombshell93 - 03-14-2013, 12:50 PM

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