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Scarlet Devil Cravings (Touhou Fangame)
[Image: B17c7.png]

This is pretty much an idea for a Touhou fangame that I came up while playing Prinny 2. It was a random thought to come up with a Touhou version of such a game. This idea, however, I based more on the prequel.


What's the Genre?

What's the Plot?
Remilia Scarlet is picky as usual and asks her maid Sakuya Izayoi to explore Gensokyo and find recipes for new dishes.

What's the Gameplay Like?
Explore through various Genoskyo locales, like the Hakurei Shrine. Take down enemies on your way to the boss and defeat it to be rewarded with a recipe.

Planned Stages (in no specific order)
Hakurei Shrine
Forest of Magic
Bamboo Forest
Hell of Blazing Fires
Youkai Mountain
Myouren Temple

Currently, I'm working on the prototype for the game. So I'll just post them here and explain where I plan to go with it thus far.

I don't have a pixel artist, so I'm using filler sprites. Like Marisa's sprite from New Super Marisa Land.

Prototype Screenshots?
[Image: 1215u1s.png]
Test level layout. I plan to add more to the interface if possible.

[Image: 2rrti4i.png]
You stomp on enemies to stun them for a while. You will then be able to attack normally to get rid of them, but as this sprite doesn't have an attacking pose, I couldn't implement that just yet.

[Image: 14afvk4.png]
Reach the end of the level and you'll get to a transporter that carries you to the level's boss.

[Image: 1g214z.png]
Like Prinny, you'll need to stun the boss in order to damage it. The skulls show how many times you need to stomp the boss to make them vulnerable.

What Do You Plan To Do Next?
-Midway Checkpoints
-Cutscenes (test)
-Boss battle (test)
-Enemies that attack
[Image: H4KAm.gif]
Yup. I'm a Touhou fan.
Thanked by: Hoeloe, Kitsu, Guy, Kami, Lexou Duck

Messages In This Thread
Scarlet Devil Cravings (Touhou Fangame) - by RokuGurin - 06-01-2012, 05:24 AM

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