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[writing] The Conned Artist (PT 1 of 5 in op)
Okay, so don't use elipsis anymore, I'll work on that, although I'm curious about my scentence structure, that's another thing I've been trying to improve XP
If you feel like you're being mean, don't XD I've had a lot worse come from the guys over at zeldauniverse forums <_<

I normally don't use it too often, but is portraying slurred words or sarcastic drag possible? I want to emphisize it in the spoken text as well as the narrative, but all I can think of thus far to do is to add repeat letters to symbolize the drag or slurring of a particular word 'sound'

For example: "Yeahhhh, right, and I'm a ten ton buffalo wearing a pink skirt and balarina shoes." The sarcasm is focused on the H sound of the word, and followed up by narration commentary like "their tone was ladled with sarcasm as they started to answer"
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RE: [writing] The Conned Artist (PT 1 of 5 in op) - by Naruto200Man - 03-08-2012, 12:21 AM

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