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Save the Internet: The SOPA/PIPA thread.
(01-20-2012, 02:50 AM)Kosheh Wrote: hey GUYS i heard if sopa passes that tsr will be shut down??????????????? why do i want sopa if i cant make my sprite comics nemore what will i do with my life :'(

You know, that is a REAL threat to the existence of tSR, and even if they can't shut the site down they can withhold ad revenues which basically amounts to the same thing. The site has always enjoyed a level of relative acceptance from the game studios, mainly because we can claim fair use in the worst case scenario. With SOPA/PIPA? Any studio can apply to have the site taken offline even if they don't have any content on the site, all they have to do is prove there's SOME infringing going on. This is kinda importance since the studios might take the same position as before but the ESA is kinda a douchey organization that could very well abuse these new powers.

Really anywhere with a forum would be subject to this bill, if the site owner can't control the content in order to ensure there's no piracy then the whole site could be taken down for one innocent link, one video.

The way websites deal with copyright infringement now works absolutely fine. A lawyer representing a movie/game/music company sends a Cease and Desist letter to the server administrator/site owner, the letter points out which files are infringing and also provides the links to the files, there's then a little blurb about each file's owner and then they tell you that you have 14 days to remove it or face further legal action.

At least with the current method the person suing needs PROOF that there's actual infringing going on, and to prove that they are acting on the right of the content owner; rather than just some nutjob suing for no reason.

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RE: Save the Internet: The SOPA/PIPA thread. - by Raz - 01-20-2012, 04:29 AM

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