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Looking for an artist for our 2D Game Project
(10-10-2011, 07:52 PM)Stabsinthe Wrote:
Quote:Look I got a day job too but I don't ask my employer to pay for what I do in my free time.
Artwork is also a business. Just because hobbyists do it too doesn't mean that artists shouldn't get paid for their work.

Exactly. Professional artist get paying jobs... we get to have fun. What is wrong with that?

Quote:What sort of grunt do you really think your references will have above those of paying clients? Really, I need to know. If I worked for money, I'd get a good reference and also I'd have money. You're offering less than any decent client would, and pretending you're giving more.

They don't. Which is exactly the point. You play the cards you are dealt with. If you are smart you can also bluff... The game of life offers many interresting opportunities.

Quote:You're acting like you're somehow doing us a favour for deeming to let us have the opportunity to contribute to your project.

You already have paying clients. Why does it matter if I get some free artwork and my project moves on to the next level? After all, I will never be paid for all the time I have put into it.

(10-10-2011, 08:17 PM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: Well, I'd happily help test it out if you still need testers

We can use all the help we can get. Welcome aboard! Big Grin

Contact me privately: lgckbuilder AT or through the feedback form.

And we can discuss the details !
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for an artist for our 2D Game Project - by cfrankb - 10-10-2011, 08:20 PM

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