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[PAID] Spriters for Let's Get Fiscal
Team Name
Baller Industries

Project Name
Let's Get Fiscal

Game Type
Side scrolling beat 'em up.

Brief description
On the way to meeting with a client, an accountant inadvertently consumes some drugs and goes insane. You are that accountant.

C# and XNA

Talent needed
- Character artist to draw frames for normal bad guys and bosses.
- Artist to draw foreground elements to match already existing backgrounds.
- Props like crates, tables, chairs, printing presses for characters to smash open and obtain items.

Remaining tasks until game is completed
- Five cut scenes need to be developed.
- Three boss fights need to be designed and coded.
- Fix AI glitches.
- Add in foreground layer with parallax scrolling.
- Add in props to smash.

This project is quite far along, I'd say 60% complete and it will be finished. So send me an email, apply for some work and you'll make some money as well as have your work displayed on XBOX Live.

Latest Build
Download here

Contact Information
Thanked by: Rosencrantz

Messages In This Thread
[PAID] Spriters for Let's Get Fiscal - by anguruso - 07-18-2011, 10:38 PM

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