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[GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus
Quote:...tapping twice makes the disappearance happen again, and you can keep it going forever.
Oh. That's a glitch. Will fix.

I think the time the text stays on screen is just a matter of taste, though.

As for graphics...

It might be good to point out that I were originally making the game for a competition with a strict deadline, which forced me to prioritate a bit. And I'm not very good at spriting with the standards you have over here (after all, this is a community dedicated to making pixel graphics).

But I want to become better at it, and I figure TSR is a good place to visit every once in a while - there's so many masters to study and learn from here. So I'll stick around.

You know, I find spriting so exciting because I'm getting better at it so quickly! I don't know how you guys felt the moment when you realized you liked to sprite, but I sort of... want to hug everyone in the world.

Here's some half-related graphics by me.
[Image: protagonistevolution.png]
The leftmost one is Sunshine, the protagonist of a cancelled project whose engine Final Columbus use. The only reason I did that game was because Cave Story had inspired me a ton and I wanted to do something "similar, but better" (Guess how good that went?). Notice especially how the gun is drawn in like 10 seconds and has no artistic value at all. Also note how her palette mixes up two shades of pink with the sharpest, most annoying green shade in existence.
In the middle is Mario Norris as he looked when I submitted the game to the competition. I've gotten some GMC feedback along the lines of "The hero looks like an octopus. Change", which is pretty harsh graphical feedback (because everyone knows that nobody can draw over there).
The rightmost image... It's Mario's current sprite. I read trough the spriting tutorial over here (the one mentioning that dithershading isn't the only way to shade, that pillowshading sucks, and that the best angle spriters should use is roughly 26.5 degrees). I read that trough once, went home, worked with the sprite for 20 minutes or so, and that was the result.

Put short: I absolutely love the spriting advice I've gotten here.

And I kind of realize that I have to redraw all the graphics in the entire game to have the same high standards as Mario's new sprite - for instance the small bird enemies comes to mind. But I won't whine. The more I draw, the more experience I get, and thus I become better. I shall do so! Thanks for pointing out that I'm not as good as I think. It's always better to compare oneself with those who are better than those who are worse. (And there's a lot of people who can't draw at all over at the GMC, anyone want me to hijack some of their screenshots? Wink)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus - by Yal - 05-17-2011, 06:24 AM

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