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[Fangame][In development][No title yet]
You're being overly offended over what you consider "unconstructive" criticism. I hate to break it to you-- but style clashing, lack of originality, and nonsensical charcters is not "moaning and complaining." These are legitimate problems that are being addressed, calmly, and it is nobody's fault but your own for getting upset over not hearing exactly what you want to hear.

FYI, there is no such thing as a point in time in which originality "can't be achieved." Nothing will ever be 100% original, but crossovers involving character universes that don't even fit in with each other is one of the most overplayed things done in fangames.

My advice to you is to handle the fact that maybe something that you are being critiqued for may actually be a problem, learn to take it calmly and not overreact like you're currently doing, and deal with the possibility that something you make may not be well-received.

In other words:
(04-26-2011, 06:29 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: your project is just like a big cup of coffee.

huge, bitter, and imposible to finish alone.

your idea is nowhere near being original. it has been done before and it has been done right(and countless times done wrong). unfortunately what you got to show here is nothing but an extremely early build of something with no exact direction wich leads to believe it has been done for the sake of fapping to the overdone idea of "my favorite characters mashup"

we do not consider it as big fat waste of time. your time is actually your time and you're free to do with it whatever it pleases you to do with it. but you can't expect us to jump out of our chairs for something so bland and unrefined just because it "will" have sonic and megaman and a bunch of tohou characters. if you can manage to work and gather a considerable amount of progress on your own, its a matter of time before people would join you.

you are not being bashed for no aparent reason. if you're sharing this here is to recieve feedback, and feedback has been provided on the reason of what you have shown of this project. you need a title, even if its just a terrible generic title. its some sort of baptism for your project and the very first step to show the direction and the goal you want to reach with it. let it be "multi fushion character brawl" or whatever, it already gives an insignificant amount of substance to your progress -not to mention, isnt like you can change the title as you progress-

It's much easier to plug your ears and go "LALALALALALA NOT LISTENING" than it is to thorougly read criticism and take it from a nonbiased standpoint, but that doesn't mean ignorance is the best option.
Thanked by: NightOwl35

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Fangame][In development][No title yet] - by Alpha Six - 04-27-2011, 01:18 PM

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