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[Fangame][In development][No title yet]
The two characters that aren't Mega Man, are Sakuya and Reimu from the Touhou series. Reimu is from Touhouvania, and Sakuya is from the sequel. Both are designed after the Symphony of the Night style.

You will be able to switch characters at will, so you can play as your fav anytime you want. Sometimes stages will have two parts, sometimes three. I will provide passwords pretty easily, and will try and provide a decent ammount of 1ups. Not to make it overly easy mind you.

The engine is Castlevania based in a sense, but only Reimu and Sakuya actually fit that Castlevania motif. Anyway, everyone will share the same health bar, and there are many ways to refil it. Collecting big or little hearts, or finding hidden food.

Enemies will drop said hearts at random, and every so often in candels or any other breakable object. When one character dies, all die. It kinda has a Castlevania 3 feel in that regard.

The plotline is a somewhat simple crossover, and each stage you will get a map screen of the characters walking along teh bottom of the screen. Once in awhile you'll come across a split path.
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RE: [Fangame][In development][No title yet] - by Mega Man model T 101 - 04-11-2011, 06:41 PM

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