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[IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos
Crossposted from PxC.

So, a few weeks ago I decided to switch over from making fakemon to making original creatures for a game. This is the idea for said game - known as Hieros Gamos. (I've actually had this idea a while back, and it's been sitting in the back of my brain for a long time, but I just got working on it now...)
HG is basically a huge nod to the Dragon Warrior Monsters games for the Gameboy, with some Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei stuff thrown in. The story... I'm still working on it, but it'll be a lot more complex than your average monster-raising game (by complex I mean not shitty).

If you've ever played DWM you should be familiar with how the game will work - 3 on 3 monster battles, breeding as a large part of the game (though HG won't make it 'necessary' to breed), monsters trained to fit a certain role during infancy.

Like I said though, there are many things that I 'took' from other series - the evolution (known as 'rank' in HG) from Pokemon, the monster 'talk' and recruitment from Shin Megami Tensei, and possibly a few features inspired by Monster Rancher (???-breeds instead of "shiny Pokemon", perhaps?).

As soon as I get a few things finalized I'll post the list of monsters that will appear in the game with a short description of each. This is probably my favorite part and I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas with you!


In the world of Roeizek, alchemy has developed so much that it is the single driving force behind everything in the world. The form of alchemy used in Roeizek is homunculus based - most alchemists get by through summoning and binding powerful creatures to do their bidding. After they are finished with, these creatures get released into the wild, causing an influx of monsters surrounding towns and cities. This development called for a new breed of alchemist, one who had the utmost understanding of the homunculi - one who could bind any homunculus to their will.

You are the younger brother/sister of one of these alchemists. Your sister, Morgan, set off three years ago in order to study the Hieros Gamos, the ultimate breeding rite between two super-powerful homunculi. One year ago she was pronounced missing, and you haven't gotten any contact from her until now.

On your doorstep lays a small package. Inside said package is a large crystal - one homunculi are known to produce after they breed.

The return address is illegible, except for the name "Morgan".

The crystal begins to crack and glow. Out of it comes a small homunculus, one of the likes you have never seen before. It appears to be already bound to you, and talks to you as if it has known you for years.

Why would your sister send you this kind of package? What's up with getting a homunculus in the mail? What kind of homunculus is it anyways?

So would begin your long journey as an alchemist, searching for the secrets of your sister and the Hieros Gamos.


In the game there are four base elements, which can combine to make 16 'complex' elements. The elements are as follows:

Earth+Earth = Earth
Earth>Fire = Metal
Earth>Water = Wood
Earth>Air = Sand

Fire>Earth = Sulphur
Fire+Fire = Fire
Fire>Water = Steam
Fire>Air = Lightning

Water>Earth = Blood
Water>Fire = Catalyst
Water+Water = Water
Water>Air = Snow

Air>Earth = Sound
Air>Fire = Nuclear
Air>Water = Miasma
Air+Air = Air

Each creature is also ruled by one of the 8 planets. This determines what type of creature you will get from breeding them.

Mercury (Reptiles)
Venus (Machines/Manmade)
Earth (Plants)
Mars (Mammals and Humanoids)
Jupiter (Everything Else)
Saturn (Birds)
Uranus (Insects/Invertebrates)
Neptune (Marine creatures and Amphibians)

(breeding combinations to come later)

There are spells that correspond to each of the four base elements, which, when learned, can be combined to form the complex element spells. The basic elemental spells do more damage, however the complex elemental spells are more specialized.

Many spells "evolve" from one form to the other, growing more powerful in the process. A certain level and a certain number of spell uses is required for the "evolution".

Temp. List of spells and effects coming later

Personality Info:
Homunculus List:

Stuff I need to work out still:

Fix the shitty element names
How breeding will work
Alchemist's effect on battle
And lots more!

Thanks for reading my drivel. I hope you have lots of constructive criticism regarding my idea!

Messages In This Thread
[IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos - by megaMasquerain - 12-26-2010, 08:07 PM
RE: [IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos - by GrooveMan.exe - 12-29-2010, 02:18 PM
RE: [IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos - by GrooveMan.exe - 12-29-2010, 02:51 PM
RE: [IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos - by GrooveMan.exe - 12-29-2010, 04:01 PM
RE: [IDEA] [GAME] Hieros Gamos - by Koopaul - 12-29-2010, 08:08 PM

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