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[Writing]My Literature Stuff
(09-17-2010, 07:19 PM)Kat Wrote: Not bad but didn't make me feel the horror so in that turn it was a bit rushed and needs more time with Jared so we can connect to him better.

I know. Didn't really make this one long enough. I can understand that.
Slender Man Goes to Work

RING! RING! RING! The alarm clock rang violently in the corner of Slender Man's room. "Time for work, honey!" yelled his wife, "I swear to Slender God, if you're late again..." Slender Man extended his arm to shut off the aggravating piece of technology blaring loudly on his nightstand. Unfortunately, it was his sharpened fourth arm. Now he was stuck with a broken alarm clock on his hand and a yelling wife in the kitchen. "Oh golly, not again!" he said. Yanking the confounded object off his branch, Slender Man rushed over to the closet and quickly threw on his suit, tie, and dress pants. Looking down at the time on his watch, he exclaimed "Drat! At this rate, I'll never be on time!" His fast walk turned into a brisk jog as he rushed through the kitchen. "Be home early!" his wife said as Slender Man snatched a piece of toast from the counter and absorbed its nutrients through the pores on his faceless head.

Briefcase in hand, he sped across his normal work route. Thank goodness I only live a couple blocks away, he thought to himself. Slender Man checked his watch again. "7:25! Gadzooks, there's no way I can make it in 5 minutes!" Luckily, he was just walking by the local park area. "Of course, I can just cut through the park!" He ran as fast as his stalks could carry him, but was stopped short at the tree behind the park's playground.

"Eh! Slendy! That you?" came a voice from across the grass field. Slender Man was pleasantly surprised to see Alex Kralie, a good friend of his, waving at him. He turned around to wave, but was interrupted by what he perceived to be the flash of a camera. somewhat confused as to the source of this unexpected paparazzi, he examined the perimeter to see if he was being watched, but found no one. Slender Man could afford to waste no more time; he had a meeting to get to!

"2 minutes! Son of a gun!" he exclaimed as he continued his mad dash to work. Something was off, though. His multisensory facial nerves detected... smoke?! It's coming from the library! he thought. The local library had been a large part of his childhood memories; he couldn't just let it smolder! By the time he got there, all that was left were the now-charcoal foundations, piles upon piles of charred books, and destroyed childhood memories. "Curses! What foul power could have caused such a horrific incident?" he screamed. He walked to the left of the burnt building to see how much damage had been inflicted that wasn't apparent from afar. Right as he stopped to turn to the library, he saw another flash blind him momentarily. This must be the fellow from the park. thought Slenderman, Why did he follow me all the way here? He shrugged it off, realizing it was probably just a strange coincidence. Looking down at his watch, he said, "Great googly! I'm late! Well, I'm only a minute away by foot, so I should darn well take my time."

One minute later, he arrived at work. "20 minutes late! This must be a new record for ya, buddy," said Slender Man's coworker and friend, Johnny "Totheark" Presny. "Sorry I couldn't make it earlier," said Slender Man, "I've been having a rough morning. And if I'm not mistaken, someone has been taking pictures of me."

"Slendy, you're overreacting. So, what's the worst that can happen, someone uploads them to the internet?" Both Slender Man and Totheark burst into laughter, and they walked off to the meeting room together.

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Messages In This Thread
[Writing]My Literature Stuff - by ThePortalGuru - 09-17-2010, 06:30 PM
RE: [Writing]My Literature Stuff - by Maxpphire - 09-17-2010, 07:19 PM
RE: [Writing]My Literature Stuff - by ThePortalGuru - 09-17-2010, 07:52 PM
RE: [Writing]My Literature Stuff - by JackMan - 09-20-2010, 05:50 AM

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