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kojjiro just can't get enough of tsr
The man in the petticoat moved his fingers across a pair of washed out red lips. He had the facial features of a man who did not see much daylight, pale, thin and long.
To say he was 'sickly' or 'famished' looking would be an understatement. It looked as if he had never even had any of the smallest morsel of food. It would soon come to note as his hand, pale and wrought with black veins slowly traveled down her body that this woman was no longer living. Her bottom half was completely absent, bones sticking out of the flesh that was marred from where it was seperated.
It appears that she had been emptied of her organs, probably becoming part of the huge mass that accumulated in the corner of the stone room. His hand crossed the small space between them and went to her jaw, wrapping around it he turned her head left and right, examining her.

"Not pretty enough." He remarked, turning his back on her and striding across the stone room that stunk of rot. He came to a large stone table in the middle of the expansive room, resting his hands on either side of it and looking at the body of the woman that rested it. Bits and pieces of skin and muscle missing here and there, some had been replaced, stitches holding them in place.

"My girlfriend will be the most beautiful woman in all the lands!" He remarked seemingly to himself. A response came from a far corner of the room. "Yes sir." It appeared there was nothing there - upon further inspection revealing that there was a disgusting mess of human flesh fixed to the wall, bits of bone forming a crude face and mouth. "Rich nobles seek endlessly for soulmates." He scoffs.
"A Necromancer constructs his own."

continued etc:

Daniel stepped through an archway into a large, stone room.
He closed the wooden door behind him, taking a few steps forward to a large steel table. The room was very small and empty. It was mostly brick, though it could be seen that some repairs on the walls had been made with regular wood. The only real
remarkeable detail about the whole place was the woman chained up on the wall Daniel was facing. An undead that seemed to be missing the bottom half of his body was fixed to the top of the table. He lacked any facial features, but had many arms. His main purpose seemed to be handing Daniel a variety of blades, today it was a cleaver. The woman chained up struggled to get free, spouting a variety of curses at Daniel.
"Fuck you, monster! When I get out of here I'm going to murder you." Prompting a hearty amount of sudden, erratic laughter. "You think you're some sort of plucky Heroine? The worlds next Zairra Deska? or perhaps one of Kharlia's brave swordswoman queens?"
He laughed again, raising the cleaver to her neck. "See, I'm not like Cahfei. I wont give you a second more,
I wont let you recite any last words or fancy dialogue about how i'm a monster." He lifted his other hand to her
Jaw, cold flesh holding her mouth shut for the coming scream. "You aren't pretty enough for that."
The cleaver cut her right across the neck, a little stream of blood arcing from the wound and getting on Daniels coat.
"Ech." He started to remove his overcoat, looking to the faceless undead. "I'll call up someone to dispose of this mess.
She's got a nice lower half. I'm sure I can find -some- use for her. Oh, and when someone comes up
tell them to head to the kitchen after they're done. I'm dreadfully hungry." He tossed his coat to the undead, who caught it out
of the air with one of his hands. "I'll be in the hall." Daniel turned the doorknob and opened the door, exiting.
Daniel stepped out of the room and into the adjoining hall, it was almost like it was a completely different building. A fancy gold and red carpet
stretched across the long floor. Paintings hung from the brown, almost gold wood that the walls seemed to be made of.
The whole place seemed to be mostly lit by arcane candles. They didn't look like they ever needed to be changed or re-lit.
He walked at an even pace about two rooms down and opened the door, stepping into the room and closing it behind him.

The end.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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