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Everyone should be happy. (Final roster topic)
Deoxys could be "the new Mewtwo", with Mewtwo himself being slightly easier to unlock this time around (well maybe not easier, but requiring something other than leaving the game on overnight). My reasoning behind this is that Mewtwo has been playable before, Deoxys hasn't.

Just an idea, but:
Mewtwo = beat Adventure Mode with Pokémon Trainer, Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Lucario on Normal or harder difficulty. (you fight him at the end)
Deoxys = beat Adventure Mode with Mewtwo on Hard or harder difficulty, plus Classic Mode as Pokémon Trainer, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario and Mewtwo on Normal or harder difficulty. (you fight him at the end)
Thanked by: Ton, Tea

Messages In This Thread
RE: Everyone should be happy. (Final roster topic) - by Neslug - 02-26-2010, 01:10 PM

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