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Yeah Star completely took the project to legendary status with his work and produced some BRILLIANT sprites. Truly, a lot of our work is because I didn't want for Star's work to be diminished (I seriously didn't know how to change palettes in the game until a week AFTER he made the Mario sprite). could you imagine his Bowser sprite with original colors? grottie...

I read a bit on what was being said. I don't have a problem with Waluigi or Daisy, but programming stuff like more drivers into the game is not feasible. Not impossible, but unrealistic.. Even repointing the AI Wario's koopa shell with a chain chomp sprite (or whatever replaces the chomp... I want Wario to have a more personal item) may not happen just because it's not clear on where to start. Also, I commissioned Wario in this game as a personal favor to Star. I much prefer Koopa over Wario honestly, but Star's a Wario fanatic and I knew he was itching for the chance to see him come alive. The original cast will be present, and players can patch Wario over Koopa if they chose!

There have been claims that making more than eight racers is possible, but damn: The SMK rom does not have enough free space as far as I'm aware. Not enough free time or smarts to figure that out.

Lol and yeah, I'll have the sprites-only patch released with this game. I mean, it only took me a day to extract all the sprites from the original game. Why not seem like a gracious host to the raiders if you have a castle made of paper? hehe. And If someone wants to make use of these sprites for an entirely different game, as long as Star's fine with it, go crazy!

Sorry for the long post. it's very lonely in the romhacking section unless you're on Super Mario World. And Star really is the star of the project!!

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RE: Super Item Kart[Check the first post for updates on items, screw the characters] - by segwayspeedracer - 07-13-2012, 11:23 PM

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