Game plot for Touhou: Chronicles of Gensokyo Sprites used: SWR (battle), Overworld (overworld), danbooru expressions (Faces for dialouge). Table of Contents Plot Secrets Main Characters Classes Battles Etcetera Plot: Reimu Hakurei is watching the stars one night after the events of Undefined Fantastic Object, sipping her tea. Just as she yawns and decides to go to bed, she sees a bright object suddenly appear in the sky, heading for the Forest of Magic in Gensokyo. The normally lazy Miko decides that instead of waiting around for another incident to occur, this time she'll prevent it by dealing with the source. After some time in the forest, she discovers a young man/woman (depends on which gender the player chooses at the start) surrounded by Youkai and FOEs. After defeating the enemies, Reimu brings the unconcious person back to the Hakurei Shrine. The next morning, the young man/woman (for the sake of not having to type it out anymore, I'll put ??? as reference for man/woman) wakes up, head foggy, no memory, and very confused about where they are and what has happened. All is peaceful, for the moment, until the peace is broken by fighting between a witch in black and white clothing and a shrine maiden in red and white clothing yelling at each other. The Miko, after all has settled down, notices ???, and asks for a name. ??? has lost their memory, and at this point, the player must input a name to use as a temporary alias. Reimu decides that it won't do to have someone who can't remember a thing lay about in bed all day, and so she gives ??? their first mission among many, to visit Eintei Clinic and have Erin Yagokoro check them out. Marisa, the witch, decides that she is bored and will accompany ??? to Eintei Clinic, as a bodyguard. Upon leaving the shrine, Marisa and ??? run into Cirno the ice fairy and Daiyousei (literally). Cirno gets angry at the blank look on ???'s face and Marisa's nonchalant "Whatever, ze..." when she proclaims what a fool ??? is to step into her path, and starts the tutorial battle between ??? and Cirno. Cirno is only able to use EASY MODE: ICICLE FALL, which has a 0% chance of hitting, and after a little pep talk from Marisa, is defeated by ???. ??? and Marisa eventually reach Eintei after meeting with Tewi Inaba (whom gets the two lost for a bit) and Fujiwara No Mokou, who is busy quarreling with Mystia Lorelie at the time. Erin checks out ???, and tells ??? that what they have is no mere amnesia, but rather a seal placed on their memories, but to what end is unknown. She suggests checking the library of Scarlet Devil Mansion for books on memory sealing in order to remove it, and Marisa, enticed by the thought of "borrowing" more books from Patchouli Knowledge, the librarian of Scarlet Devil Mansion, decides to go with. Over time, ??? meets and helps many of the residents of Gensokyo, all until the day before the annual Hakurei Shrine Summer Festival. The festival is all set up, but nobody appears, which causes Reimu no end of anguish as no visitors means no donations. She decides to go find everyone, but orders ??? to stay at the shrine. A few hours later, ??? looks out to see that Reimu hasn't returned, and that nobody else has shown up at the shrine. Before deciding to go back to cleaning, ??? sees a large amount of Danmakufu being shot off in the distance. Worried, ??? races to the battle site to see everyone battered and bruised, and Reimu, Marisa, and Rinnosuke are the only ones left standing against Yuka Kazami, the genocidal Flower Youkai. Yuka makes short work of Reimu and Marisa, and decides to ignore Rinnosuke before noticing ???. ??? looks about, and sees everyone in pain, over the course of time of a year ??? has formed bonds with the people of Gensokyo, and becomes engraged at Yuka for what she has done. Without thinking, ??? grabs Rinnosuke's sword (See "These Two Wings" IOSYS video) and Marisa's broom and goes to fight Yuka Kazami in a 1 on 1 battle to avenge ???'s fallen friends. Yuka eventually knocks ??? off the broom, and laughs triumphically as ??? falls to the ground. However, before ??? hits the ground, they find themselves floating just an inch above the ground. This is when ??? learns how to fly (??? learns danmakufu from the various residents of gensokyo for completing requests). This triggers some anger in Yuka, and allows her to go into EX Mode. SECRETS: (Warning, will spoil the game, don't look if you don't want to ruin the game for yourself) At the beginning of the game, upon returning from Eintei Clinic, there will be a small foreboding path in the forest that was normally inaccesable due to one of Tewi's traps. But afterwards, Reisen Inaba should have removed it. This path leads to Mima's grave, and upon visiting, Mima will appear before ??? with an offer to teach ??? a powerful danmakufu (Gensokyo Spark) if ??? promises not to mention anything to anyone. The Danmakufu is gained before the final fight against Yuka Kazami in EX Mode. You can develope relationships with the people of Gensokyo, called Relations Points (RP), if you get a character's RP to max before defeating Yuka Kazami EX Mode, you will witness a special scene with ??? and the character viewing the festival together. Different scenes are given with each character. Main Characters: ???: A human who passed through the border of Gensokyo. Their memories are sealed, but by doing mission, the memory of ??? is slowly unlocked. Reimu Hakurei: A shrine maiden whom manages the borders of Gensokyo. Normally lazy, she prefers to get ??? to do her work for her, such as cleaning the shrine and performing missions. Marisa Kirisame: A human witch with a carefree attitude. She possesses the mini-hakkekoro, a power source that enables her to use her specialized "Master Spark" spell card. Accompanies ??? on various missions. Yuyuko Saigyouji: A ghost princess whom manages the spirits of the dead. Kind and caring, she helps to look over ??? in their time on Gensokyo, and acts as a mother towards ???. When teamed with Yukari, she can create an incredible border that no danmakufu can penetrate. Yukari Yakumo: A Gap Youkai that can manipulate borders at whim, and uses this power to watch over the events that unfold in Gensokyo. Although she can be quite cunning and witful at times, she always acts in the way she believes is the best course of action. A friend of Yuyuko's, she helps Saigyouji look after ??? as ???'s aunt in Gensokyo. Aya Shameimaru: A tengu youkai known as the fastest reporter in Gensokyo. With speed that can only be called 'godly', she delivers news (most often made up of rumors) to the many residents of Gensokyo with her newspaper, Bun Bun Maru. She provides extra missions that can be done for Yen and EXP, most often she will have ??? investigate rumors for her newspaper. Classes: Human - A moderately well rounded class. As each human is unique, each may use different types of spells, but require the longest amount of time to learn each one. Youkai - A long lived class, with lifespans that extend well over hundreds of years. As such, they have the most life and easiest control over spells, but can be defeated with holy power. Oni - A strong class. An oni's strength can be determined by how much sake they drink. The only current Oni's known are Suika Ibuki and Yuugi the Strong. They excel at strength and dexterity, but when they run out of sake, it can be devestating. Beast - Beasts are a type of youkai disguised as humans, but when light is shed on them from the full moon, their true appearance is revealed. Beasts have good attack power and can learn spells well, but only in transformed state. Lunarian - Lunarians are, as should be obvious, people from the moon. They created what is known as the Hourai Elixer, which grants the user immortality. They are much more advanced than normal people, thus they can create many useful and convienent inventions. Immortal - People whom have forsaken their mortality and the eternal rest of death. Currently, the only way to achieve immortality is to use the Hourai Elixer. While immortality seems like a blessing, it can be described as a curse in disguise. No matter how many times you strike them down, they will always rise up, ready to fight again. Gods - Powerful, wise, and proficient in spells. They watch over Gensokyo from above, however, if a god so chooses, they may become a human with all their powers intact. The only known gods at this time are Kanako and Suwako. Fairies - the weakest class of magical beings. They usually excel at simple things, like traps and magic that can cause people to get lost in a forest. Their strong suit is pranks. Vampire - Another long-lived creature. They live and hunt in darkness, and are very strong with spells and physical strength, but a little sunlight is all you need to stop a vampire cold. There are currently only two known vampires in Gensokyo, Remilia and Flandre Scarlet, the mistresses of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. With their fangs, they are able to suck the life force out of any living foe and turn them into their servants. Ghost - A human who died with regrets that lingers on in the world, seeking a way to move on to the other world. However, some ghosts do not seek to go to heaven nor hell, but to rather stay in the world and watch over their family and friends. They are able to possess others and can even bring someone to the brink of death. Shinigami - shinigami's are people who ferry souls across the river styx to be judged by a Yamaxanadu. Often, most Shinigami expect tips or payment for their services, so they act mostly like hired hands. Yamaxanadu - A judge of the dead. They are the ones who decide if a soul is to ascend to heaven, descend to hell, or remain as a ghost. All Yamaxanadu are paired with Shinigami, and rely on the Shinigami to bring them their cases. Tengu - Extremely fast and agile, the mark of a good tengu is their mobility. Due to their speed, a highspeed kick from a tengu is the equivalent of a cannon ball hitting a brick wall. Most tengu are not violent, and even run newspaper buisinesses. Kappa - Believed to be a sign of certain kinds of luck, kappas like to tinker and toy with machinery and things they do not understand. They even like to build things on occasion. The best way to befriend a kappa is with cucumbers. Yukkuri - An unknown species of creature. Resembling giant heads, the only thing they ever seem to say is "Take it easy". Due to their appearance, they are often mistreated and kicked around. No other information available. BATTLES: Battles will be turn by turn style (Final Fantasy 4/7), but I'm not sure to use ATB or not. I know it will be cheap, but I have backdrops from RPG Maker that I can use. All characters will have attack, danmakufu, guard, item, and run as their choices from the battle menu. Certain kinds of characters have certain abilities and will be sorted into different groups. There will be healers, like Erin Yagokoro, power types, like Marisa, and other such groups.I'm currently trying to compile a database and find FOE sprites to use for the first battle, as a test battle to try out the battle system. The skin I had planned was to have the battle party's status at the top (HP/MP*Danmakufu*/etc) with the battle menu at the bottom left, and the turn order in the bottom right. ETCETERA This will only be "Book 1" of 3. I have bigger, better plans for the next book, just wanted to get players acquainted with the game before moving to the more hardcore stuff in the next game. When I get an actionscript writer and a decent spriter, I am flexible, so I will hold a conference between us hopefully in MSN messenger, if not we can decide on a more efficient method of communication.